Tag: Genetic Splicing

Genome. Now We Can 3D Map It. The more we learn about the structure of the human genome, the better equipped we’ll be to eventually write a genome of our own.

Blog note: The science of genetic engineering is steadily marching forward. Once the “Restrainer” (Holy Spirit) no longer restrains the evil one, there will no longer be any ethical or moral restraint in the use of this technology. The technology is not evil. It is the hand that […]

Creating Genetically Modified Babies is “Morally Permissible,” Says Ethics Committee.

Creating Genetically Modified Babies is “Morally Permissible,” Says Ethics Committee. by Kristin Houser July 17, 2018. Enhanced Humans. Futurism.com. ETHICALLY ACCEPTABLE. We may have just moved one step closer to designer babies. On Tuesday, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics (NCB), an independent U.K.-based organization that analyzes and reports on ethical issues in biology and […]