Tag: God’s supernatural protection of Israel

Foundation of rig for Leviathan gas field arrives in Israel. Don’t think Gog hasn’t noticed. Great spoils are awaiting him! He wouldn’t even have to invest in extraction!

Foundation of rig for Leviathan gas field arrives in Israel. Don’t think Gog hasn’t noticed. Great spoils are awaiting him! He wouldn’t even have to invest in extraction! ARON HELLER. Associated Press•January 27, 2019 JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s Delek Drilling and its U.S. partner, Noble Energy, said Sunday […]

Israel’s 70th Birthday: A Miracle amid Thanks and Threats. Described as “Miraculous.” Video.

Israel’s 70th Birthday: A Miracle amid Thanks and Threats. Described as “Miraculous.” JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel opened its 70th anniversary festivities with song, dance and fireworks, albeit under the shadow of an Iranian threat. http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/israel/2018/april/israels-70th-birthday-a-miracle-amid-thanks-and-threats Israel’s national celebration wove a theme of technological progress and survival through seven […]

Israel, Greece, Cyprus to ink natural gas pipeline deal. Promises to reshape the region as an energy provider and reduce Russia’s (Gog’s) dominance over the European energy market.

Blog note: Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy of the ‘Gog/Magog’ (Russian, Turkey, Iran, et.al) invasion of Israel to take plunder and spoil. Ezekiel 38:13 … Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a […]

Trump orders rapid withdrawal from Syria in apparent reversal. Once the US is totally out of Syria, there will be NO ally in the area to defend Israel against the prophesied ‘Gog/Magog’ (Russia, Turkey, Iran, et.al) invasion of Israel (Ezekiel 38-39.)

Blog note. Once the US is totally out of Syria, there will be NO ally in the area to defend Israel against the prophesied ‘Gog/Magog’ (Russia, Turkey, Iran, et.al) invasion of Israel (Ezekiel 38-39.) Russia, Turkey and Iran all have presence in Syria, which directly sits adjacent to […]

Kushner, Saudi prince relationship under fire: Video.

Kushner, Saudi prince relationship under fire: Video. CNN. December 10, 2018 The President’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, continued to have private conversations with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman following the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, according to The New York Times. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2018/12/10/khashoggi-kushner-saudi-arabia-crown-prince-mbs-foreman-lead-dnt-vpx.cnn  

Facing east: What Asia means to the Israeli LNG energy market. The world’s largest LNG importers are the “Kings of the East” – Japan, Korea, China and India – are a huge potential market for Israeli gas. Gog/Magog knows these markets and is salivating, but doesn’t have the LNG to sell them. Israel is a ‘tempting great spoil’.

Blog note: I have previously written and suggested that the Gog/Magog Coalition (Russia, Turkey, Iran, et.al) will come to ‘take great spoil’ in Israel (Ezekiel 38-39). This is known prophetically as the ‘Gog/Magog Battle’ in which God supernaturally protects Israel and destroys 5/6 th’s of Russia’s, Turkey’s and […]

The beast is rallying Arab Countries to support the coming ‘deal of the century’ or the great ‘covenant of peace and safety’. He only has to ‘confirm’ the agreement among many. This was unthinkable six months ago! Prophecy coming true before our eyes. The word of God is true!

Blog Note: For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. (1 Thessalonians 5:3). This verse is believed by eschatologists to be a key verse that describes a period of time when Israel signs a worldwide peace or […]