'Last' 'Latter' 'End of' Days

(7) MOB (MARK OF THE BEAST) NEOM BABYLON showcases automated contactless biometric passport eGates in Saudi Arabia. NEOM briefs Saudi passports boss on biometric technology. “ALL (5) THEY NEED IS THE MARK!!!”THE OPERATIONS ROOM AT NEOM BABYLON’S 24/7 COMMAND-AND-CONTROL CENTER.

(7) MOB (MARK OF THE BEAST) NEOM BABYLON showcases automated contactless biometric passport eGates in Saudi Arabia. NEOM briefs Saudi passports boss on biometric technology. “ALL (5) THEY NEED IS THE MARK!!!”THE OPERATIONS ROOM AT NEOM BABYLON’S 24/7 COMMAND-AND-CONTROL CENTER.

Staff Writer Fri 3 May 2024 Arabian Business


NEOM has showcased futuristic technology which will allow travellers to pass through its airport eGates without relying on human interaction thanks to biometric scanners and high resolution cameras in Saudi Arabia. Lieutenant General Sulaiman bin Abdulaziz Al Yahya, Director General of Passports (Jawazat), visited NEOM this week. Received by NEOM CEO, Nadhmi Al Nasr, Al Yahya and his delegation toured NEOM Bay Airport, along with the project’s command-and-control centre and other key NEOM facilities.

Paul Rolland | Night Watchman | Night Watchman Ministries | Neom Babylon – The (5) Beast’s Seat or ‘Great City’

NEOM Airport eGates in Saudi Arabia.

Al Yahya began his visit by taking in the expanded NEOM Bay Airport, where he was briefed on its latest technologies and initiatives, including its future contactless eGates for passport control. Using high-resolution cameras that capture each traveller’s biometrics, the automated border control system currently on trial will allow international visitors to NEOM a smooth travel experience. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia joins a shortlist of countries investing in and offering travellers contactless automated border control systems at airports. NEOM’s self-service eGate system is being developed in cooperation with Jawazat, the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA), and the National Information Center, in addition to other government agencies.

Saudi Arabia and the WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution:

BEASTLY TECHNOLOGY OF THE COMING WORLD’S BEAST SYSTEM. The Fourth (4th) Kingdom Shall Be Different From All The Other Previous Kingdoms.

Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (C4IR KSA)

Saudi Arabia Launches National Biotechnology Strategy To Become Global BioTech Hub


As Jawazat provides a range of services across Saudi Arabia for passengers arriving at and departing from airports and with numerous major projects underway at NEOM BABYLON, the directorate was invited to NEOM BABYLON to see the progress made to date. The ongoing partnership between NEOM BABYLON and Jawazat aims to strengthen knowledge exchange between the two organisations, all while improving the overall traveller experience.

Lieutenant General Al Yahya’s visit also included THE OPERATIONS ROOM AT THE 24/7 COMMAND-AND-CONTROL CENTER, where he inspected NEOM BABYLON’s integration of real-time analytics AI and predictive systems into the safety and security of NEOM BABYLON’s residential communities.

Vaccines save at least 155 million lives in 50 (5) years: WHO

Updated 24 April 2024 AFP April 24, 202416:35

GENEVA: Global immunization efforts have saved at least 155 million lives in the past 50 years, the World Health Organization said Wednesday, adding that most of those to benefit were infants. That is the equivalent of six lives saved every minute of every year of the half century, the UN health agency said. In a study published in the Lancet, WHO gave a comprehensive analysis of the impact of 14 vaccines used under the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI), which celebrates its 50 (5)th anniversary next month. “Vaccines are among the most powerful inventions in history, making once-feared diseases preventable,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a statement.

“Thanks to vaccines, smallpox has been eradicated, polio is on the brink, and with the more recent development of vaccines against diseases like malaria and cervical cancer, we are pushing back the frontiers of disease,” he said. “With continued research, investment and collaboration, we can save millions more lives today and in the next 50 years.” The study said infants accounted for 101 million of the lives saved through immunization over the five decades. “Immunization was the single greatest contribution of any health intervention to ensuring babies not only see their first birthdays but continue leading healthy lives into adulthood,” WHO said.

Over 50 (5) years, vaccines against 14 diseases — diphtheria, Haemophilus influenza type B, hepatitis B, Japanese encephalitis, measles, meningitis A, pertussis, invasive pneumococcal disease, polio, rotavirus, rubella, tetanus, tuberculosis, and yellow fever — had directly contributed to reducing infant deaths by 40 percent, the study found. For Africa, the reduction was more than 50 percent, it said. The vaccine against measles — a highly contagious disease by a virus that attacks mainly children — had the most significant impact. That jab accounted for 60 (6) percent of the lives saved due to immunization, according to the study.

The study also showed that when a vaccine saves a child’s life, that person goes on to live an average of 66 (6) years of full health on average — with a total of 10.2 billion full health years gained over the five decades.
“These gains in childhood survival highlight the importance of protecting immunization progress,” WHO said, pointing to accelerating efforts to reach 67 million children who missed at least one vaccination during the Covid pandemic.

Mark of the Beast (MOB). The Beast Who Requires a ‘MARK.’ (7) The Infrared Vaccination QR Code SMART MARK.

A cashless society would be the end game for economic anonymity and freedom in trade.  CBDCs will make all transactions traceable and easily interrupted by governments and banks.  Imagine a world in which all trade is monitored, all revenues are monitored and transactions can be blocked if they are found to offend the mandates of the system.  Imagine a world where your ability to spend money can be limited to certain retailers, certain services, certain products and chosen regions based on your politics, your social credit score and your background.  The control that comes with CBDCs is immense and allows for complete micromanagement of the population.  The fact that 98% of central banks are already adopting this technology should be one of the biggest news stories of the decade.

Saudi Arabia Launches National Biotechnology Strategy To Become Global BioTech Hub

When Bill Gates says he has a new vaccine ‘patch’, he is actually talking about his human implantable quantum dot microneedle vaccine delivery system, and it will be powered by AI

The Real Reason People Will Take The Mark Of The Beast

Concerning the coming one-world cashless society and a requirement for tracking all buying and selling during Satan’s earthly kingdom: on Mar. 28, 2024, it was reported that SWIFT (a global group that manages trillions of dollars of banking transactions between nations every day) has developed a Central Bank Digital Currency System (CBDC) that should be operational in 12-24 months. Every person that cares about economic freedom should be wary of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) as perhaps the biggest threat to human liberty since the attempted introduction of vaccine passports. The WEF recently boasted in a new white paper that 98% of all central banks are now pursuing CBDC programs. 

Mark of the Beast. The Beast Who Requires a ‘MARK.’ (7) The Infrared Vaccination QR Code SMART MARK. It’s a vaccine technology that uses a tattoo-like mechanism which injects invisible (infrared) quantum dot nanoparticles under the skin, when Bill Gates speaks of it he calls it a ‘patch’. At Davos yesterday he told CNBC that the ‘patch’ is almost ready, just waiting for AI to catch up to make it all work. The quantum dots can be arranged in the form of an invisible ‘QR’ Code and injected ‘under the skin, which then can be scanned very quickly by infrared means.

Gates said this about the new era of vaccines that are coming soon. Gates said that “COVID vaccines need to have longer duration, more coverage, and we’re going to change. Instead of using needles, we’ll use a little patch.” That ‘patch’ is the human implantable quantum dot microneedle vaccine delivery system.  Bill Gates, ‘GAVI’ and the World’s Vaccination Goals (start at 2:00 time stamp)

A cashless society would be the end game for economic anonymity and freedom in trade.  CBDCs will make all transactions traceable and easily interrupted by governments and banks.  Imagine a world in which all trade is monitored, all revenues are monitored and transactions can be blocked if they are found to offend the mandates of the system.  Imagine a world where your ability to spend money can be limited to certain retailers, certain services, certain products and chosen regions based on your politics, your social credit score and your background.  The control that comes with CBDCs is immense and allows for complete micromanagement of the population.  The fact that 98% of central banks are already adopting this technology should be one of the biggest news stories of the decade, yet, it goes almost completely ignored.   

National governments are joining with the United Nations and Bill Gates on a global program to impose “digital public infrastructure” (DPI) on their citizens within five years. This “DPI” includes central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), digital identification, comprehensive data systems, and more, all functional across national borders.

MbS Makes ‘Pact’ with the United Nations:

The new scheme, unveiled late last year and moving ahead rapidly, is known as “50 in 5” because 50 governments expect to have the Orwellian digital infrastructure of tyranny in place within five years. The UN’s expectation is that every government will eventually impose this on every person on Earth. “All countries, regardless of income level, geography, or where they are in their digital transformation journey, can benefit from being a part of 50-in-5.” The G20 reached a groundbreaking consensus on the role of digital public infrastructure as a critical accelerator of the Sustainable Development Goals. The program is being guided by the UN and elitists including Gates and others such as the Rockefellers, longtime financiers of globalism, eugenics, and population-control schemes.

The new suite of “digital public goods” and “infrastructure” will create a technological panopticon allowing for total surveillance and control of all people everywhere. The 2030 Agenda makes clear, ‘no one will be left behind.’ Once in full swing, literally every transaction would be tracked, monitored, and controlled.  Virtually all national governments and central banks around the world are working on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), according to the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland that is helping to guide and coordinate the rolling out of such currencies worldwide. As cash is sidelined and then disappears, CBDCs will create a permanent record of all transactions. Digital currencies will also be programmable which will allow governments an unprecedented degree of control over the economy and individual decisions of consumers.  Along with CBDCs, governments around the world are rolling out digital IDs to go with them. Organizations associated with Gates, the Rockefeller dynasty, and the UN have been promoting such IDs for years, including through groups such as ID2020. Digital IDs and CBDCs will become inseparable. “Why CBDCs Will Likely Be ID-based.” CBDCs and digital IDs will be used together to ultimately control people.  CBDCs will be tied to personal accounts that include personal data, credit history and other forms of relevant information.

Healthcare will become intertwined with all of it. “The COVID19 pandemic highlighted the value of digital health solutions in facilitating access to health services.” The WHO is now using the EU’s system to design a similar regime for all of humanity.  A social-credit score whereby each individual receives a rank based on his or her compliance with technocrats’ demands is essentially inevitable under this regime. Advocates are adamant that DPI is essential for participation in markets and society — just like we saw with vaccine passports — only on a much broader scope.  The potential for control is almost endless. DPI will give governments and corporations the power to implement systems of social credit that can determine where and how you can travel, what you are allowed to consume, and how you will be able to transact with your programmable money.

The CCP serves as a role model. It is only a matter of time before such a regime is eventually unveiled in the West without massive opposition. A digital public infrastructure is about enabling data to flow seamlessly across sectors and systems, thereby enabling data-driven decision-making and policies. The Digital Public Infrastructure will also fuel increasing restrictions on everyday life. It will be used to impose all sorts of mandates, including “lockdown” policies under pretexts ranging from alleged public health emergencies to supposed man-made climate change.  The 50-in-5” campaign for DPI officially launched late last year in New York. It aims to radically shorten the length of time that it would take to digitize everything from identification to currency. That will happen through collaboration between the UN and governments as they share technology to eventually create an interoperable system in at least 50 countries by 2028. The whole world is expected to follow suit.   In addition to the UNDP, the Gates Foundation, and the governments that have already signed up. The digital surveillance and control architecture will be imposed faster and in a way that transcends national borders.

To require QR codes for residents exiting areas introduces a level of governmental oversight reminiscent of China’s social credit system, signaling a disturbing shift towards unprecedented surveillance and control, akin to measures seen in authoritarian regimes. an authoritarian measure: the mandatory requirement for residents to present a QR code upon exiting the municipality. Communities feel blindsided by the sudden imposition of such stringent globalist regulations AND question the legality and necessity of compelling residents to produce identification when exiting the municipality, likening it to a form of imprisonment on the islands. Bureaucrats emphasize the importance of maintaining order and control

Chinese-style social-credit system. The proposed requirement for residents to present a QR code upon exiting the municipality marks uncharted territory in governance. This move signifies an unprecedented level of control over residents’ movements, prompting comparisons to authoritarian regimes where freedom of movement is severely curtailed. The measure draws parallels to Communist countries like China, igniting fears of a slippery slope toward a surveillance state. In China, where government-issued QR codes form the foundation of a global social credit system, granting the state immense power to monitor and penalize individuals deemed ‘untrustworthy.’

Under China’s social credit system, citizens are assigned a credit score based on their online and offline behavior. This system incentivizes ‘good’ behavior, such as spending time with the elderly, while punishing ‘bad’ behavior, such as protesting the government or excessive gaming. Individuals who violate trust in one area face widespread restrictions, including being blacklisted from essential activities like traveling, dining out, renting a home, or securing insurance.


In His Service,

Night Watchman

Paul Rolland

Night Watchman


Make Your (7) Decision for Christ NOW!!!!!!! Time is Up!!!!!!!

Jesus Christ’s Offer of Salvation:

The ABCs (7) of Salvation through Jesus Christ (the Lamb)

  1. (7) Admit/Acknowledge/Accept that you are sinner. Ask (7) God’s forgiveness and repent of your sins.

. . . “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23).

. . . “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.” (Romans 3:10).

. . . “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” (1 John 1:8).

B. Believe Jesus is Lord. Believe that (7) Jesus Christ is who He claimed to (7) be; that He was both fully God (7) and fully man and that we are (7) saved through His death, burial, and resurrection. (7) Put your trust in Him as your (7) only hope of salvation. Become a son (7) or daughter of God by receiving Christ. (7777777) 7×7

. . . “That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. (John 3:15-17). For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13).

C. Call upon His name, Confess (7) with your heart and with your lips (7) that Jesus is your Lord and Savior.

. . . “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” (Romans 10:9-10).

. . . “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.” (John 1:8-10).

. . . “And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. (John 2:2).

Categories: 'Last' 'Latter' 'End of' Days, America Divided Cut, Americas Seven (7) Cultural Plagues, Americas Seven (7) Economic Plagues, Anti-Christ, Antichrist, Antichrist, Babylon City of Tribulation, Beast, Bottomless Pit, Cashless Transactions - Mark of the Beast, Christian Persecution Update, City on 7 Scarlet Purple Mountains, Deceptive Technology Update, Demonic Activity, Distress of Nations, Doctrines of Devils, Dreams and Visions, Economic Collapse, Evil Prince Confirmer of False Peace, Fig Tree Generation, FIRST Horseman Apocalypse, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Government Repression Control, Great City of Mystery Relgion, GREAT WARNING!!!, Knowledge Travel Increased, Lake of Fire and Brimstone, Last Nimrod, Mahdi, Man by Satan, Man of Lawlessness, MbS Beast Prince Antichrist, Peace, Safety, Sudden Destruction, Pentecost, Perilous Times, Prophetic Timelines, Satan Devil Dragon, Seat of the Beast, Second Coming of Christ, Seven (7) Bowls, Seven (7) Seals, Six (6) Six (6) Six (6) - 666, Son of Perdition, Spiritual Apostasy or The Great Falling Away, The Assyrian, The Final Generation, The GREAT CITY, The GREAT WHORE, The Mother of Harlots, The Wicked One, Those Left Behind, Tribulation Babylon City, Tribulation Saints Beheaded, Update of Lawlessness and Violence, VISION 2030, White Throne Judgement

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