Extreme Heat Update

Dozens of wild horses have been found dead in Australia amid an extreme heatwave in the region.

Blog note. Jesus indicated that ‘fearful sights’ (various natural disasters) would occur leading up to the time known as the Tribulation and Great Tribulation (a combined seven year period of great destruction on earth). Although these types of things have occurred in the past for centuries and thousands of years, they could be identified as the ‘season of the times’ due to the ferociousness of these events. They would be occurring in greater intensity, severity, frequency, size, duration, scope … just like the pains that a women experiences in labor the farther along she is in the labor process. We are in the ‘season of the times’ that comes just before the seven (7) year Tribulation/Great Tribulation period

… And great earthquakes shall be in diverse places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. (Luke 21:11).

… And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; (Luke 21:25)

… Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken; (Luke 21:26)

… This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. (2 Timothy 3:1)

Jesus is giving a series of prophecies about what to look for as the age of grace comes to a close. These verses are several of many such prophecies from throughout the Bible. 2017 was the worst year in recorded history for the intensity, frequency, severity, duration and occurrence of a large number of severe natural disasters worldwide. Earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, torrential flooding, unprecedented wildfires in unusual places, devastating droughts, excessive/scorching heat setting records everywhere, record snowfalls in Europe and Russia. Snow in the Arabia. This list can go on. Most studied Eschatologists believe these ‘fearful sights’ and massive natural disasters are all part of the ‘CONVERGENCE’ of signs that this Biblical and prophetic age is closing. Most people who study prophecy are familiar with the routine reference(s) made that these things will be like a woman having labor pains that occur in greater severity, frequency, size and duration prior to giving birth. End of note.

Dozens of wild horses have been found dead in Australia amid an extreme heatwave in the region.

More than 20 decomposing horses were discovered at a dried-up pool, known as “Deep Hole”, 56 miles east of Alice Springs, a remote town in Australia’s Northern Territory.

Pictures published on Facebook showed the dead animals strewn on the scorched ground, covered in dust and branches.

In a Facebook post, Alice Springs residents said that the horses “are likely to have perished from dehydration accompanied by the overwhelming heat”.

“The prospect of any living creatures perishing in this way has left many locals devastated. All feral animals need to be managed with effective strategies to minimise their impact on the environment and to alleviate any suffering,” the post read.

Artist Ralph Turner discovered the shocking scene last week when he went to investigate the pool’s water levels.

He told ABC News that he had never witnessed an animal death of this scale in the region.

“We’ve been having hot weather, day after day. We found all these poor horses, all perished,” Mr Turner said.

“It’s just terrible to know these beautiful animals died this way,” he added.

Australia has been in the grip of a searing heatwave for the past fortnight, notching five of its 10 hottest days on record.

More than a million fish have died in a river in New South Wales amid the arid conditions and bat deaths have been reported on a “biblical scale”.

Temperatures in Alice Springs are forecast to reach 43C this week, according to the Bureau of Meteorology.

A town in New South Wales recorded a night-time low temperature of 35.9C – Australia’s highest minimum temperature on record – and in Adelaide dozens of people were taken to hospital due to heat-related conditions.

The Bureau of Meteorology’s State of the Climate 2018 report blamed climate change for the increased intensity in heatwaves and warned of “further increases in sea and air temperatures, with more hot days and marine heatwaves”.

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