The Divinely Determined Completeness of  God’s Plan or Purpose (7) (Part 8): Seven-fold Description of Christ’s Countenance or Appearance.

The Divinely Determined Completeness of  God’s Plan or Purpose (7) (Part 8)

Seven-fold Description of Christ’s Countenance or Appearance:

  1. Long garment/robe girded with a golden belt. (Rev. 1:13)
  2. Head/Hair – white as wool or snow. (Rev. 1:14)
  3. Eyes as a flame of fire. (Rev. 1:14)
  4. Feet like refined brass. (Rev. 1:15)
  5. Voice like the sound of many waters that contained a sharp, two-edged sword. (Rev. 1:16)
  6. Right hand holding seven stars. (Rev. 1:16)
  7. Countenance as strong as the sun’s brilliance. (Rev. 1:16)

Commentary: Brilliant, glorious, righteous, blinding, booming, polished, royal, powerful, sovereign, divine. A heavenly, awe-inspiring description! The physical appearance of Christ is correctly, and gloriously represented by these divine attributes. These seven (7) descriptions reflect God’s divinely determined completeness as to his purpose or status. Jesus’ divine appearance is absolutely complete and without question.

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