The beast looks for scapegoats he can slaughter. Christ is our Lamb so that we may live.

Blog note: ‘Scapegoats’ … ‘fall-guys’ … those who would be sacrificed. Interestingly, Mohammed Bin Salman should be the one under the sword. No one should have to pay for his decision. Just like us, like all humans we have sinned. We should pay the price for our sins, for the wages of sin is death. HOWEVER, Jesus Christ is our sacrificial scapegoat. He willingly took on our sins and our death that was owed us. He died … so that we may live. He lived … so that we may be forgiven. There is a very real and specific reason why Jesus is named the “Lamb” so many times in the book of Revelation. He was figuratively and literally slain on our behalf, in God’s sovereign plan for the redemption of mankind. You, me, our families and everyone else on this planet that we don’t even know. The redemption of mankind is both singular (you and me) and corporate (everyone, all nations, tribes, peoples, tongues, ethnic groups … the whole world).

Mohammed Bin Salman will easily and gladly allow (force) someone else to pay for his sins. He is only going to execute these men in response to the world’s demands to see someone ‘pay’ for the death of Jamal Khashoggi (MBS’ sin).

Will we easily and gladly allow (willingly, not by force) allow Jesus Christ to pay for our sins? Jesus died for our foregiveness. By believing in him, who he is and what he did for us on the cross and by being resurrected, we can be forgiven from the wages of sin that is death.

Just as the world is watching to see what Mohammed Bin Salman will do, God and his holy son Jesus Christ is also watching all of us and looking to see what we will do. Will we accept his extremely gracious and wonderous gift of forgiveness and salvation? Will we be saved for eternity, unlike these poor souls who will be slaughtered by the beast?  

The beast kills forcefully at his will. Christ saves graciously, his offer is free, our decision is not forced on us. Via our free will, Christ allows us to make our decision as to whether or not he can be the scapegoat or “Lamb” for our sins which should result in death.

Will you live for eternity with Christ through his forgiveness? Or, will you die for eternity with Satan, the beast, and the false prophet?

The choice is yours and yours alone. Whom will you chose. Time is running out quickly. Make your decision NOW! Don’t wait, don’t procrastinate, don’t put off, don’t delay, take 5 minutes off of your electronic device and ponder Jesus’ offer of salvation. Do not mock, belittle, discredit or nay-say the truth of Christ and what he says and offers. Are you willingly and freely betting against your salvation? You do so at your own risk. End of note.

Second note: Satan willingly destroys his own to keep his plan and agenda alive. There should be no surprise that MBS will probably sacrifice and throw-under-the-bus some of those who were most faithful him. Just to save his worldwide image and deflect the allegations against him. Any despot worth someone else’s blood on his hands would do the exact same thing. That is the nature of evil and iniquity.

Conversely, those of us found sinless and forgiven by Jesus Christ for accepting his free offer will live and reign gloriously with Christ for eternity. He does not throw-under-the-bus those of his who are loyal and faithful servants. He does not turn against us, but rather lifts us up.

Can the contrast of how Satan works and how Christ works, be any more opposite and apparent. This is Biblical truth happening right now on the world’s stage. Do you see it? Do you understand it? What should your reaction be? End of second note.

Five Saudi officials face death penalty for Khashoggi murder

Saudi public prosecutor says Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman not involved in killing of Jamal Khashoggi

Five Saudi officials face the death penalty for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi who was dismembered inside the kingdom’s Istanbul consulate, but Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was not involved, the prosecutor said Thursday.

The announcement follows growing international outcry over the killing of Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist, who was last seen entering the consulate on October 2 to obtain paperwork for his marriage. Khashoggi died after being drugged and then dismembered, a spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office said in the first Saudi confirmation of how he was killed. The journalist’s body parts were then handed over to an agent outside the consulate grounds, the spokesman said.

He denied Prince Mohammed had any knowledge of the murder.

The deputy chief of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence, General Ahmed al-Assiri, gave the order to repatriate Khashoggi — and “the head of the negotiating team” that flew to the Istanbul consulate had ordered his murder, the spokesman said. The prosecutor has requested the death penalty for the five who “are charged with ordering and committing the crime and for the appropriate sentences for the other indicted individuals,” an official statement published by state news agency SPA said. It said a total of 21 individuals were in custody in connection with the killing, 11 of whom have been indicted with investigations to continue into the others.

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