Russia’s sovereign investment fund to participate in Saudi NEOM project

Blog note: This watchman has written extensively, in earlier blogs, about NEOM being/becoming the “Babylon” as described in the Bible’s book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Revelation’s Babylon is NOT Rome, Vatican City or Mecca. Babylon is NEOM. Babylon NEOM fits like a glove with Revelation’s descriptive prophecies concerning the futuristic, evil city that endorses the world’s “Mystery Religion.” The ground work for this city is being planned now. The NEOM city/project was announced last October, 2017. I will continue provided updates regarding the growth of NEOM Babylon, as they become available. If you strongly doubt the status of NEOM as being the ‘future’ Babylon, I would strongly encourage you to read my earlier analyses of how NEOM meets the litmus tests of Biblical prophecies. Decide for yourself. Study it yourself. End of note.

Arabian Business. By Bernd Debusmann Jr Thu 26 Oct 2017 10:36 AM

Russia’s sovereign investment fund to participate in Saudi NEOM project

The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) has announced their participation in Saudi Arabia’s NEOM programme, which the kingdom has billed “the city of the future”.

According to the RDIF, the fund and its partners will facilitate the participation of Russian innovation companies involved in the solar energy, health, education, AI, transportation, and port infrastructure sectors.

“We are pleased to participate in such an ambitious project that will combine new technologies from a wide range of areas,” said RDIF CEO Kiril Dmitriev.

“RDIF plans to co-invest alongside international funds and bring leading Russian companies into the NEOM project, thus fostering expansion of their innovative technologies in the promising markets of Saudi Arabia and Middle East as a whole.”

Additionally, Emaar Properties chairman Mohamed Alabbar said Emaar would like to participate in the NEOM project if the opportunity arises.

“It’s a big, exciting thing. If they call on us, we would look on that positively,” he told Arab News on the sidelines of the Future Investment Initiative in Riyadh.

“The Middle East as a whole is very short on infrastructure, and the project is a very significant addition. If we’re invited to participate, we would be honored.”

The $500 billion NEOM city project – which is being created as part of Vision 2030 – is expected to eventually be home to millions of people near the Saudi borders with Egypt and Jordan. The city is envisioned as a free economic zone supported by high-tech businesses, with funds provided by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) as well as local and international investors.


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