Tag: Pope

Pope Francis Decrees ‘We Need a Global Central Bank and Global Central Authority.’ False Prophet knows world politics better than he knows the Bible and the word of God. Is it entirely possible that the False Prophet would ‘endorse’ the Beast as the “Global Public Authority.”? After all, the False Prophet’s papacy cornerstone is forging an alliance with Islam. Truth is stranger than fiction. Read this, and if you are not a Christian, you won’t be able to sleep.

Pope Francis Decrees ‘We Need a Global Central Bank.’ January 10, 2017, yournewswire.com New World Order demagogue Pope Francis has rung in the year by calling for the establishment of a “global public authority” and a “central world bank” to rule over financial institutions and the increasingly unruly masses. Acknowledging that a […]

Pope to visit Moroccan imam school to boost moderate Islam. False Prophet to speak at a ‘training institute’ for imams. No mention of Christ or the gospel. A ‘worldly’ political influence among the world’s religious leaders. Mystery Religion of Revelation unfolding before our eyes.

Pope to visit Moroccan imam school to boost moderate Islam. Mystery Religion of Revelation unfolding before our eyes. The great deception of humanistic theology regarding co-existence and brotherhood of all the world’s evil, false religions. The true gospel of Christ is hidden, to keep men in the dark […]

AP Exclusive: Vatican knew of Argentine bishop misconduct. Once again. Wolves in sheep’s clothing. Birds of a feather flock together. False Prophet’s cronies, allies and wolves.

Once again. Wolves in sheep’s clothing. Birds of a feather flock together. False Prophet’s cronies, allies and wolves. AP Exclusive: Vatican knew of Argentine bishop misconduct. ALMUDENA CALATRAVA, NATACHA PISARENKO and NICOLE WINFIELD. Associated Press•January 20, 2019 ORAN, Argentina (AP) — The Vatican received information in 2015 and […]

Superior orders outspoken priest on sex-abuse scandal to ‘cease and desist’. Priest appeals to Pope Francis and receives … silence.

Blog note: Ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing. End of note.  Superior orders outspoken priest on sex-abuse scandal to ‘cease and desist’ Tue Jan 8, 2019 – 7:46 pm EST. Lisa Bourne. Lifesitenews. HOUSTON, Texas, January 8, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — A Catholic priest told to stop speaking out about […]

Vatican trying to recast McCarrick abuse of teen as ‘consensual’. Twisting, distorting, denial, cover-up, deception.

Vatican trying to recast McCarrick abuse of teen as ‘consensual’ Fri Jan 4, 2019 – 8:20 pm EST. Lifesitenews. January 4, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – In a shocking reversal, the Vatican reportedly indicated that it deemed the allegations of sexual abuse by Archbishop Theodore McCarrick against an altar boy, […]

Cardinal deemed ‘China-Friendly’ has been appointed Hong Kong bishop. Thus blocking a serving bishop known to be critical of the Chinese government. Pope Francis praised his provisional agreement between the Vatican and Beijing. The False Prophet registers yet another compromise with the world and the evil dictator.

Cardinal deemed ‘China-Friendly’ has been appointed Hong Kong bishop. Thus blocking a serving bishop know to be critical of the Chinese government. Pope Franics praised his provisional agreement between the Vatican and Beijing. The False Prophet registers yet another compromise with the world and the evil dictator. VIOLET […]

Pope Francis is at the center of Church’s current crisis. Mumblings and Ramblings of the False Prophet. A false prophet = A false teacher.

90-year-old philosopher priest: Pope Francis is at the center of Church’s current crisis Lifesitenews. Lisa Bourne 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – The biggest crisis in the Catholic Church right now is not whether bishops, cardinals or priests are sinners, a noted priest and author said. It is whether the Church […]