Tag: Perilous Times

Nearly half of rural Afghans face food insecurity: UN. Foreshadowing the ‘four horsemen,’ war / famine / pestilence / death.

Blog note. Jesus indicated that ‘fearful sights’ (various natural disasters) would occur leading up to the time known as the Tribulation and Great Tribulation (a combined seven year period of great destruction on earth). Although these types of things have occurred in the past for centuries and thousands […]

Ten million people displaced internally by conflict in 2018: monitors. Fearful, perilous, dangerous times. Men’s heart’s failing with fear.

Blog note. Jesus indicated that ‘fearful sights’ (various natural disasters) would occur leading up to the time known as the Tribulation and Great Tribulation (a combined seven year period of great destruction on earth). Although these types of things have occurred in the past for centuries and thousands […]