Tag: Ezekiel 38-39

ENERGIZING DIPLOMACY WITH OUR NEIGHBORS. Gog is noticing a ‘great spoil’ in the land of un-walled villages.

ENERGIZING DIPLOMACY WITH OUR NEIGHBORS. Gog is noticing a ‘great spoil’ in the land of un-walled villages. Forty years on, Israel-Egypt energy cooperation opens the door to warmer relations BY MAAYAN JAFFE-HOFFMAN. MARCH 24, 2019 Is natural gas propelling us toward the future frontier of stronger Jerusalem-Cairo ties? The […]

Things Are About to Change: Oil and Gas Have Been Found in the Eastern Mediterranean. Regional powers jockey to monopolize on or block access to this strategic treasure (great spoil – Ezekiel 38-39). Military expert says…

Things Are About to Change: Oil and Gas Have Been Found in the Eastern Mediterranean. Regional powers jockey to monopolize on or block access to this strategic treasure. Military expert says… Tony Chavez. The National Interest•March 9, 2019  Extending from Israel and Egypt in the East and South […]

Turkey: Uniting An “Army of Islam” To Defeat Israel. A foreshadowing of things to come.

Turkey: Uniting An “Army of Islam” To Defeat Israel. A foreshadowing of things to come. PNW. February 22, 2019 Istanbul recently hosted the second “International Islamic Union Congress,” sponsored mainly by the Strategic Research Center for Defenders of Justice (ASSAM), which is headed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip […]

The Unlikely Convergence of Russia, Iran, and Turkey. Geo-Politics behind the Gog/Magog Alliance. Ezekiel 38-39. Increasing strength within the alliance.

The Unlikely Convergence of Russia, Iran, and Turkey Scott B. MacDonald. The National Interest•February 18, 2019 Security, Middle East Although the three-nation summit did not get much press in the West, its emergence is a signal, albeit a quiet one, that Eurasia’s geopolitical landscape is undergoing major changes. […]

Egypt, Israel Plan Undersea Gas Pipeline Amid Growing Spirit of Cooperation. Ezekiel 38-39, ‘great plunder/spoils’ = Natural Gas Fields.

Ezekiel 38-39. Gog/Magog invasion of Israel. Egypt, Israel Plan Undersea Gas Pipeline Amid Growing Spirit of Cooperation January 16, 2019 2:46 PM. Edward Yeranian. VOA news. CAIRO — Egypt and Israel are in talks to build an undersea natural gas pipeline between the two countries to allow Israel to […]

Trump: We give Israel billions, it can defend itself in Syria. (No military allies left in the Middle East for Israel.) This has prophetic implications concerning the prophesied invasion of Israel in Ezekiel 38-39.

Trump: We give Israel billions, it can defend itself in Syria. (No military allies left in the Middle East for Israel.) This has prophetic implications concerning the prophesied invasion of Israel in Ezekiel 38-39. President says he’s told Netanyahu military aid makes up for lack of US troops, […]