Category: Shemitah Year

Israeli Writer Caroline Glick Warns Biden’s 2-State Plan Would ‘Annihilate’ Israel. The People of the ‘PRINCE’ Shall Come and Destroy the Third Temple and Jerusalem.’

Prophecies Verify The Integrity Of Scripture The Christmas season brings a profound opportunity for believers to share the saving Gospel with their loved ones — how God stepped into His creation, willingly died on the cross, and rose again so that mankind could inherit eternal life by their […]

The Book (7) of Daniel and The Book of Revelation. ‘Bookends’ (7) Regarding Prophecy of the ‘End-Times’, Tribulation. Revelation 10:7 But in the (7) days of the voice of the seventh (7) angel, when he shall begin to sound, (7) the mystery of God should be finished, as he (7) hath declared to his servants the prophets. ‘10’ is the biblical number for ‘completeness on earth’. ‘7’ is the biblical number for (7) divine completeness to God’s plan or purpose.

Don’t Just Sit There! Revelation 10:7  But in the days of the voice of the seventh ‘7’ angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. by Jacques Isaac Gabizon December 20, 2023 Beth […]

Facing pressure, UN Security Council to vote on new Gaza ceasefire call. The upcoming Security Council resolution was introduced by Arab countries. It also affirms support for a two-state solution in the region and “stresses the importance of unifying the Gaza Strip with the West Bank under the Palestinian Authority.”

Four Horsemen The White Horseman The White Horseman Prince Beast Antichrist Mahdi Rides a White Arabian Stallion. Facing pressure, UN Security Council to vote on new Gaza ceasefire call. The upcoming Security Council resolution was introduced by Arab countries. It also affirms support for a two-state solution in […]

U.S. Jewish Leaders Urge Biden to Form Post-War Israeli-Palestinian Peace Initiative. The leaders urged Biden to declare his intention to pursue a peace initiative that provides Palestinians with a political horizon, detailing a list of “essential steps” that would move toward providing both parties with a secure peace. [A SEVEN YEAR PLAN]; The leaders further urge Biden to engage with Arab states on a “Marshall Plan” to transform the Palestinian economy and launch an economic reconstruction of Gaza.

Four Horsemen The White Horseman The White Horseman Prince Beast Antichrist Mahdi Rides a White Arabian Stallion. U.S. Jewish Leaders Urge Biden to Form Post-War Israeli-Palestinian Peace Initiative. The leaders urged Biden to declare his intention to pursue a peace initiative that provides Palestinians with a political horizon, detailing […]

Saudi crown prince receives call from UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. MbS stressed the importance of ‘PEACE AND SECURITY’ in the REGION and the WORLD. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, (7) Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh (7) upon them, as travail upon a woman (7) with child; and they shall not escape. (777).

The White Horseman Prince Beast Antichrist Mahdi Rides a White Arabian Stallion. Documentary: Satan, The Antichrist, and The One-World Government Saudi crown prince receives call from UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. MbS stressed the importance of ‘PEACE AND SECURITY’ in the REGION and the WORLD. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 […]