Category: Gender Confusion and Reassignment

Seven (7) Plagues Tearing America Apart: Zombie Drugs, Apostasy, Crime, Societal Breakdown, Corrupt Governance, Division and Immoral Agendas. America (5) Divided, Split, Cut, or Fractured and Separated into FIVE ‘5’ Pieces:

Paul Rolland | Night Watchman Ministries | Divided Untied America The New Madrid Fault Line and Impending Doom. Pastor Robert Breaker Dream about an earthquake on the New Madrid A 10.0. Devastation everywhere America is NOT mentioned in the Bible. Why? Discernment. America (5) Divided, Split, Cut, or […]

Seven (7) Plagues Tearing America Apart: Zombie Drugs, Apostasy, Crime, Societal Breakdown, Corrupt Governance, Division and Immoral Agendas. ‘IMMORAL AGENDAS’

Seven (7) Plagues Tearing America Apart: Zombie Drugs, Apostasy, Crime, Societal Breakdown, Corrupt Governance, Division and Immoral Agendas. ‘IMMORAL AGENDAS’ Not satire: Gender-confused man says he wants to be ‘first trans woman to have an abortion’ City holds marathon drag show, setting record at almost 50 hours. […]

Seven (7) Plagues Tearing America Apart: Zombie Drugs, Apostasy, Crime, Societal Breakdown, Corrupt Governance, Division and Immoral Agendas. ‘IMMORAL AGENDAS.’ Five (5); ‘Delusion, Denial, Defiance, Derangement and Deception.’

Paul Rolland | Night Watchman Ministries | Divided Untied America The New Madrid Fault Line and Impending Doom. Pastor Robert Breaker (7) Paul Rolland, Night Watchman, Night Watchman Ministries: America is NOT mentioned in the Bible. Why? Discernment. America (5) Divided, Split, Cut, or Fractured and Separated into […]

Seven (7) Plagues Tearing America Apart: Zombie Drugs, Apostasy, Crime, Societal Breakdown, Corrupt Governance, Division and Immoral Agendas. ‘IMMORAL AGENDAS.’

Paul Rolland | Night Watchman Ministries | Divided Untied America The New Madrid Fault Line and Impending Doom. Pastor Robert Breaker America is NOT mentioned in the Bible. Why? Discernment. America (5) Divided, Split, Cut, or Fractured and Separated into FIVE ‘5’ Pieces: Zechariah 12:3 And in that day […]

Seven (7) Plagues Tearing America Apart: Zombie Drugs, Apostasy, Crime, Societal Breakdown, Corrupt Governance, Division and Immoral Agendas. (5) LGBT+; (5) Deception, Delusion, Denial, Derangement and Derangement. Five (5) is the Biblical Number for/of (5) Satanic Influence Over Evil Mankind.

Paul Rolland | Night Watchman Ministries | Divided Untied America The New Madrid Fault Line and Impending Doom. Pastor Robert Breaker America is NOT mentioned in the Bible. Why? Discernment. America (5) Divided, Split, Cut, or Fractured and Separated into FIVE ‘5’ Pieces: Zechariah 12:3 And in that day […]

Seven (7) Plagues Tearing America Apart: Zombie Drugs, Apostasy, Crime, Societal Breakdown, Corrupt Governance, Division and Immoral Agendas. ‘IMMORAL AGENDAS.’

America is NOT mentioned in the Bible. Why? Discernment. America (5) Divided, Split, Cut, or Fractured and Separated into FIVE ‘5’ Pieces: Zechariah 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though […]

Seven (7) Plagues Tearing America Apart: Zombie Drugs, Apostasy, Crime, Societal Breakdown, Corrupt Governance, Division and Immoral Agendas. ‘IMMORAL AGENDAS.’

Paul Rolland | Night Watchman Ministries | Divided Untied America The New Madrid Fault Line and Impending Doom. Pastor Robert Breaker America is NOT mentioned in the Bible. Why? Discernment. America (5) Divided, Split, Cut, or Fractured and Separated into FIVE ‘5’ Pieces: Zechariah 12:3 And in that day […]

Seven (7) Plagues Tearing America Apart: Zombie Drugs, Apostasy, Crime, Societal Breakdown, Corrupt Governance, Division and Immoral Agendas. Immoral Agendas.

America is NOT mentioned in the Bible. Why? Discernment. America (5) Divided, Split, Cut, or Fractured and Separated into FIVE ‘5’ Pieces: Zechariah 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though […]