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Saudi ‘not in crisis’ over Khashoggi affair: says new Foreign Minister. We are in ‘transition.’

Translation: The Saudis are ‘beefing up’ the ranks of their public relations (foreign minister) ranks with additional and ‘senior’ ranking officials who can stand up to the international pressure, put a positive spin on MbS, and vehemently defend the kingdom’s international standing and ‘reform’ efforts. This is an added measure to their PR/Advertising spend in New York, London and elsewhere. This is also an added measure to beneficial ‘payments’ made to various journalism institutions. This isn’t rocket-science, this is entry level ‘spin-control’. The government ‘reshuffle’ is nothing more than a re-arranging of the deck chairs on the Titanic in the hopes of balancing the ship so it doesn’t tip over or sink. It also muddies-the-water in terms of who was tied to the Khashoggi killing from an organizational perspective. It would appear that certain people are being ‘distanced’ from MbS and the affair. Consider it a ‘shell game’ or where is the pea under the cup game. People are being put in place who can better defend MbS’ reputation and agenda.

Saudi ‘not in crisis’ over Khashoggi affair: says new Foreign Minister

AFP. December 28, 2018

Riyadh (AFP) – Saudi Arabia’s new foreign minister voiced defiance Friday in the face of international outrage over critic Jamal Khashoggi’s murder, rejecting the kingdom was in crisis and his predecessor was demoted.

“The issue of Jamal Khashoggi… really saddened us, all of us,” Ibrahim al-Assaf told AFP, a day after he was appointed foreign minister in a government reshuffle.

“But all in all, we are not going through a crisis, we are going through a transformation,” he added, referring to social and economic reforms spearheaded by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

The prince, heir to the Saudi throne, has faced intense international scrutiny over the October 2 murder of journalist Khashoggi in the kingdom’s Istanbul consulate — which critics say has left the oil-rich Gulf nation diplomatically weakened.

Assaf, a former finance minister who was detained last year in what Riyadh said was an anti-corruption sweep, replaced Adel al-Jubeir as foreign minister in the sweeping government shake-up ordered by King Salman.

Jubeir, who sought to defend the tainted government internationally after Khashoggi’s murder, was appointed minister of state for foreign affairs, which was widely seen as a demotion.

“This is far from the truth,” Assaf said. “Adel represented Saudi Arabia and will continue to represent Saudi Arabia… around the world. We complement each other.”

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